Category: Product Updates

New inventory added online!

We’ve spent the majority of the week adding as many items as we have pictures of to our online shop. If you haven’t checked it out recently (or have never been there at all), now would be a great time

Posted in Product Updates

Helix Pre-Order Special


Both of our Helix Fossil designs in our shop are in pre-order status until the end of March. Anyone who purchases one within that time period will receive some random extras with their order. Act quickly, there’s less than two

Posted in Product Updates

Praise Helix!

This sweet Helix Fossil sprite is now up for pre-order in our shop. Pre-orders will come with random extras for the length of the pre-order. Please note that anything ordered with a pre-order item will arrive when the item becomes

Posted in Product Updates

Sprites of Passage has heart(s)!

Valentine’s Day is coming fast, so I decided to show off the various styles of heart necklaces in stock. If your significant other is a gamer, one of these, or any of my sprites would probably make a great gift.

Posted in News and Updates, Product Updates

New products in shop! 1/15/13

I was up late last night adding new products to the Hazarai store. Each item I added is pictured below. There are limited quantities of each, so if you see something you like, order it quick. I have limited supplies

Posted in Product Updates